Sica | Fletcher advises ConnectSource Solutions, Inc. in its sale to High Street Insurance Partners.

Overview of Transaction
Founded in 2005, ConnectSource is an industry leading provider of benefit administration technology deployment and management headquartered in Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina.
ConnectSource works with brokers, employers, and payroll providers to offer access to a variety of robust benefits administration platforms. Their in-depth expertise in benefit administration deployment and management bridges these platforms with vendors, providing a seamless experience.
ConnectSource agreed to partner with High Street Insurance Partners (HSIP), one of the fastest growing insurance agencies in North America and a Top 100 National Insurance Broker headquartered in Traverse City, Michigan.
Significance of Transaction
The acquisition will allow HSIP to expand its overall suite of products and services. The transaction will provide the entire organization with an expansive toolset that will round out HSIP’s overall capabilities in its effort to become a “one-stop-shop” for its clients.
The acquisition will provide ConnectSource with countless cross-selling opportunities. The platform can be rolled out across HSIP’s existing client and broker-base, and HSIP’s resources and expertise will allow for immediate, rapid expansion, both locally and nationally.
Sica | Fletcher's Role
Sica | Fletcher served as exclusive strategic and financial advisor to ConnectSource.
The ConnectSource transaction highlights the strength of Sica | Fletcher’s relationships with leading agencies and top-tier investors.