Every year, numerous insurance agency and broker principals attempt to sell their companies by being " Serial Daters". They are contacted by a potential buyer or solicited by someone who has sold their agency and try to negotiate with one buyer at a time. This is generally a very big mistake.
Following this process allows buyers to propose deals that significantly under-value the seller's business and put the agency at risk of partnering with the wrong acquirer. Learn more about common missteps sellers take and our solutions to running a proper transaction process in the infographic here.
If you would like to have a discussion about your strategic options, please contact us or call us directly at 516.967.1958. We are here to help and would appreciate the opportunity to develop a dialogue and work as your strategic advisor to help you reposition your business for further growth and success.
About Sica | Fletcher
Among the brokerage community, Sica | Fletcher is well known as the leading strategic advisory firm in the U.S. that specializes in the insurance brokerage space and related industries that compliment it. We are also the leading advisor to the private equity firms that are most interested in investing in insurance brokerages and in the private equity sponsored agencies that have been created in recent years.
The firm was founded in 2014 by Michael Fletcher and Al Sica, two of the industry’s leading insurance M&A advisors who have closed over $6 billion in insurance agency and brokerage transactions since 2014.